
Hello, this is the homepage of the website for Brandon Hall, a Christian, philosopher, and amateur economist.

I am a philosopher that often uses the tools of economics, statistics, and technology for analysis and critique. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from California State University, Sacramento in the Fall of 2018.

Here, I try to refine my thinking about a variety of topics and collect content that I post elsewhere, but in a more reader-friendly and structured format.

You can find me at the following places. Please reach out to me there.

Big Recommend: Favorite Video Ever

Below is one of my favorite videos ever, preserved so that I may share it with my favorite people, including you. But how can that be? We've never met! Indeed, we haven't, but wouldn't that be nice? "No, it wouldn't!", you might say. And you know, you might be right.

It's a lecture by Leo Buscaglia that delves into the nature of being human, all the weirdness and wonderfulness that being human entails, and how we can bond and get along better by recognizing that humanness in ourselves and each other and laughing about it, together.

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photo of Brandon Hall
United States
Economics, Philosophy, Statistics

I am a philosopher that often uses the tools of economics, statistics, and technology for analysis and critique.